ChangelogSegment users by their behaviors in Funnels

Now in Funnels, we’ve made it possible to breakdown users by what they do, not just who they are. This unlocks the ability to find the actions you can influence that will increase the likelihood of users converting through a funnel or completing a specific step.

The core functionality of Behavioral Properties in Funnels is as follows:

  1. You can analyze how often one step of a funnel was done and how that contributes to overall conversion:
  • Insight: users who watch more videos subscribe to channels at a faster rate.
  • Result: when a user finishes a video, autoplay another similar video in an attempt to keep them watching more. changelog Image
  1. It’s also possible to learn how actions outside of your funnel influence overall conversion or certain steps. We’ve built this workflow so that you don’t have to put arbitrary steps into your funnel:
  • Insight: for the users who completed the signup funnel, most of them read help docs over 10 times before doing so.
  • Result: make help docs more apparent at the beginning of the funnel. changelog Image
  1. The other unique functionality to Funnels Behavioral Properties is the ability to decouple the breakdown step from the metric step. This is useful to answer questions about whether the frequency of a step in a funnel influenced a different step:
  • Insight: users ****who complete step 1 (product view) to step 2 (add to cart) more often have a higher rate of converting from step 2 (add to cart) to step 3 (purchase).
  • Result: when a user adds an item to the cart, show them a pop up with other related items they might also want to add to cart. changelog Image
  1. Use the Aggregate Property per User breakdown to segment metrics by things like time, cost, or “variety”.
  • Insight: Users who add a wider variety of brands to cart have a higher rate of purchase.
  • Result: Create Black Friday landing page to have an assortment of goods rather than focused on one specific category. changelog Image
  1. Set a Behavioral Property as a filter to dig deep into a select group of users who are behaving a specific way in the funnel
  • Metric: Users that added at least five items to their cart before purchasing.
  • Result: Can grab their email and send them a note when there is an offer for another five items at a different date. changelog Image

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